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Name: _____________________________ Grade: _________ Teacher: ____________________ I am submitting: _____ An individual project _____ A combined project 2 students (Please write your partners name below) _____ A class project My partner is: __________________________ Grade: ________ Teacher: ___________________ Project Title: ________________________________________ (optional: when signing in-we will check title) Brief Description of Project: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Note: Unsealed liquids or chemicals of a corrosive nature are NOT permitted in the gymnasium. There is also only limited electrical access. ______ Yes, we have read the rules* of the Science Fair & Engineering Expo. *Official rules are located on the Buckingham website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.cbsd.org/buckingham" http://www.cbsd.org/buckingham Just scroll down to Science Fair. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ (Students signature) (Parent signature) (Parent Contact Info) Parent Volunteers appreciated (clearances required). Please check one or more times below. ____ I can help during project drop off on, Tuesday, March 11th from 3:30 4:30pm. ____ I can help during project drop off on Wednesday, March 12th from 8:15 9:00am. ____ I can help during project take-down on Thursday, March 13th from 8:30-9:00am. STEPS TO PREPARE A SCIENCE OR ENGINEERING PROJECT Select a topic. The Internet (search Science Fair Projects or STEM Projects) and the library are great sources for ideas. There are also links on the school website. Remember: A Science Fair project is a test or investigation to find an answer to a question, not just to show what you know about something. What question do you want to know the answer to? An Engineering Project starts with a problem you want to solve. What is a problem that you would like to try to come up with a solution for? Gather background information. Gather information about your topic from books, magazines, the Internet, and people with knowledge about the topic you are interested in. This also includes surveys! Keep notes of where you get your information. Make a schedule. It takes time to research, buy supplies, and record information. Construct an exhibit or display. It must be neat, but it does not have to be typed. Make it fun but be sure people can understand what you did. Tri-fold poster boards work well to display your information and help displayed data stand alone. Experimentation, creativity, and discovery are encouraged. Practice presenting it. Practice explaining your project to someone. YOU WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT YOUR PROJECT TO YOUR CLASS. If your project doesnt turn out the way you expect it to, it is still a project. We still want your project at the fair! Come to the fair, feel proud of your accomplishment, and learn something from your fellow students. Most of all have fun! See you there!      BUCKINGHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTO 2025 SCIENCE FAIR & ENGINEER EXPO APPLICATION Intermediate Grades 4 - 6 SCIENTIFIC METHOD FORMAT Run a controlled experiment and record data. Do the experiment using the method below. Keep notes and write everything down. -PROBLEM What is the question you want to answer? -HYPOTHESIS What do you think will happen when you perform your experiment? -PROCEDURE Collect and study your data. What steps did you follow as you performed your experiment? Be sure to include a list of materials. -DATA Display your information in a chart if possible. -RESULTS What happened after you conducted your experiment? List what you observed. Display your information as a graph if possible. -CONCLUSION What did your experiment prove or disprove about your hypothesis? ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS Follow the design process to create something that solves a problem. Use the process below. Keep notes and write everything down. -ASK Define the problem. -IMAGINE Gather information about your problem and generate ideas to solve it. -PLAN Select a solution from your ideas. Include a labeled drawing of your plan. -CREATE Make your item. -TEST Evaluate your item. Does it work? -IMPROVE Do you need to make changes to make it work? Is there something you can change to make it work better? Make change. Be sure to document all of them. -REFLECT & SHARE Did your item solve the problem? Is there something you would do differently the next time? 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